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Focus Pep OTC Stimulants Brain Boosting Dietary Supplement, 1207 mg, 60 Pills
Theobromine (chocolate bean extract)
Bitter Orange - Contains legal stimulants like N-Methyltyramine, Synephrine, and Octopamine which are chemically similar to adrenal hormones giving a natural concentration and thermogenic effect.
Choline - Focus Pep™ contains two different forms of choline as it is the building block to enhancing cognition and improving attention issues.
Caffeine - It is an over the counter stimulant that has studies showing it's beneficial effects for distraction as it helps us think more clearly, improves mood, and helps learning.
Vitamin B3 - It has been shown in studies that at high doses vitami B3 has neuro protective effects.
Vitamin B12 - It is the most potent of the B vitamins and helps the body release energy. It is a water soluble vitamin so you do not need to worry about toxicity.
Huperzine - Has been in clinical trials performed in China to help focus and concentration.